Posted in: 2023

216. Simple Creative Copy, Creative Writing, and Life in General

My guest today is Stephanie Cansian. She runs a small copywriting agency called Say It Simply, but along the line she had an epiphany that affected both her work and her personal life, notably her emotional eating habits. She lost weight, became re-engaged in her work, wrote a book, and is now working on another book. It’s a fascinating and very open discussion.

Stephanie's Website

Posted in: 2023

214. How to Copy Edit Fiction the Chicago Way

My guest today is Amy J. Schneider. Amy is a copy editor and proofreader, and most recently an author as well: her book is The Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction, one of the guides in the series by the University of Chicago Press. We talk about her career and mostly delve into and discuss some of the details in the book. This is “How to Copy Edit Fiction the Chicago Way,” episode 214 of the podcast.

Amy’s Website

Posted in: 2023

213. In Fiction, Crime Can Pay and Be Funny, Too

hi, I’m Wayne Jones. Welcome to Writing & Editing, the podcast about books and language, for people who write, edit, read, or listen. My guest today is Tyler Schwanke, who’s a writer and filmmaker based in Minneapolis in the US. His debut novel Breaking In, which he calls a “comedic crime thriller,” was published earlier this year. In it, a young filmmaker uses her heist movie knowledge to pull off a real-life heist after a crooked Hollywood director steals her script. We talk about that, as well as about how he manages to write when he already has a full-time job, and also about the influence of film on his writing.

Tyler's Website

Posted in: 2023

207. The Craft of Writing Children’s Books

My guest today is Tonya Ellis. She’s a children’s author who has independently sold over 150,000 books in her Sophie Washington chapter book series and recently signed a deal for a picture book with HarperCollins. I invited her on the show though to talk in more general terms about writing books for children, how a writer writes for their level without writing down to them, and how the whole thing differs from writing for adults.

Tonya's Website

Posted in: 2023

204. On a Mission to Help Struggling and Reluctant Readers

My guest today is Danny Brassell. He’s a former inner-city school teacher in the US, and now does many things as a writer, coach, and speaker. But I’d asked him if we could focus on his efforts to increase the habit of reading by children. He was a pleasure to talk to: articulate, enthusiastic, and funny too.

Danny's Website

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